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Cationic resinwater softeners

Cationic resinwater softener

Cationic resinwater softener

Addolcitore a resine cationiche - testata


Addolcitore a resine cationiche -

Valvola duplex

Cationic resinwater softener
Addolcitore a resine cationiche - testata
Addolcitore a resine cationiche -

Automatic sodium cycle water fofteners with cationic resin bed, ion exchange and volumetric head that only allows regeneration after the passage of a specific pre-set volume.

This allows a saving of salt compared to the normal timed heads which performs the regeneration regardless of the use or otherwise of the water softener.
The duplex models allow to have softened water without interruptions due to the regeneration phase of the resin.

A polyethylene vat for salt storage necessary for the formation of the brine is supplied.